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The Phrantone

The Phrantone is the real-mail newsletter for the Phran Klub: official fans of Frankie's arty creations. Featuring fresh new games, clever stickers, and inspired inventions, plus thoughtful handwritten updates, each copy of the Phrantone is made by hand and assembled by Frankie. 


Every new issue is free for the first 100 requesters. Eligible recipients receive a special email announcing it. 

Phran Klub membership also includes an exclusive invitation to the biennial Phran Klub Appreciation Night extravaganza (next occurrence: November 20, 2026).


There are currently three methods of joining the Phran Klub if you're not already a member. 


  1. Buy original art. ($560 to $2,000)

  2. Subscribe to my Substack, Jokes, Thoroughly Explained, as a "Founding Supporter." ($256)

  3. Donate to the grapefruit film at the "Associate Producer" level or higher. ($350+)

Most recent issue: 16-2024, shipped October 2024. Back issues of the Phrantone are available in the shop

Phrantone 16-2024

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #16 included:

  1. A letter about collaborating

  2. A hand-made prototype of Bunny Foo-Foo, a brand new magnet-based game

  3. Instructions for said game

Phrantone 14-2023

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #14 included:

  1. A letter about how rest and reflection make us stronger.

  2. One strand of battery-powered Lighght Brigade LEDs.

  3. The charge of the Lighght Brigade.

Phrantone 12-2023

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #12 included:

  1. A letter about dark matter

  2. A "Dark Scottie" fridge magnet that highlights the relative proportions of dark matter (27%), dark energy (68%), and everything we consider ordinary (5%) 

  3. Dark Scottie's origin story and concept explanation

Phrantone 10-2023

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #10 included:

  1. a letter about perfectionism

  2. one hand-stamped STFU journal

  3. instructions for use of STFU journals

Phrantone 15-2023

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #15 included:

  1. A letter about reflection and a report on New Zealand.

  2. One hand-numbered pre-release copy of Frankie's forthcoming book: Jokes, Thoroughly Explained (Volume 1)

  3. A save-the-date for Phran Klub Appreciation Night 2024.

Phrantone 13-2023

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #13 included:

  1. A letter about art I can't not make

  2. A tin of hand-rolled Cigaraisins

  3. The evolutionary tale of Cigaraisins in six iterations

Phrantone 11-2023

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #11 included:

  1. A letter about artificial intelligence (AI)

  2. A play-testing prototype of 'Spoetry, a brand new game concept that humorously celebrates the human advantage in poem-writing

  3. Instructions for playing 'Spoetry, plus a link to play variations

Phrantone 09-2023

Phrantone 01-2022

Issue #9 included: 

  1. A letter about a dress I'm making

  2. My "Failure Résumé"

  3. A friendly nudge

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