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Autism Welcome Here

Frankie Abralind

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

What kinds of contexts are ideal for certain expressions of Autism?

Where can Autistic attributes that might be vilified as “disorderly” elsewhere be exhibited with pride, ignored by virtue of their invisibility, or even celebrated as strengths and adopted by others? I mean, what are the places in our world where “ASD” isn't actually even a thing?

There are, of course, many factors that contribute to psychological safety in an individual's workplace. That said, these are some examples of fields in which Autism has historically been a powerful advantage.

  • Experience Design, the field I trained in, where sensitivity to friction in the user experience helps you figure out ways to remove it

  • Diplomacy, where rigorous attention to another party’s nuances of behavior, along with an anthropological emulation of customs, can generate trust and safety for the exchange of information in negotiations

  • Art, where divergent thinking is prized, isolating “retreats” are encouraged, and obsession with minute details can provide glorious new ways to experience the world

  • Programming and Computer Coding, where nobody cares if you’re antisocial, mumble, or speak with a tic, because you're probably communicating through a keyboard, and you’re rewarded for the quality of your problem solving (the character "Justine" in the 2016 Ben Affleck movie The Accountant is a great example)

  • Military and Civil Service, where strict enforcement of hierarchy and rigid codes of conduct enable massive, complex operations to take place

  • Choreography, where precisely repetitive behavior is rewarded with thunderous applause

  • Manufacturing, where consistency and standardization are literally synonymous with quality

  • Music, where performers repeat compositions over and over and over without variation, communicating feelings in extremely unconventional and abnormal ways; and where relentless pursuit of perfection is celebrated

  • Transportation and Utilities Engineering, where vast networks of interchange are made possible by elimination of deviation

  • Meteorology, where accuracy requires obsession with data and pattern-finding and intense maintenance and care for precision of instruments

  • Poetry, whence cometh my personal hero e.e. cummings (abnormal communication, anyone?)

  • Religion, where endless repetition of prayers such as Hail Marys and adherence to monastic rituals can be obligatory

  • Publishing, with its myriad careers in administration of grammatical and semantic law

  • Documentation, such as in the library sciences, where researchers live and die by others' compliance with cataloging expectations

  • Anything. Honestly. It is obvious to me that every field benefits from Autism; in fact, we Autistics are everywhere already. Neurodiversity, more broadly, is an inescapable human condition. The more inclusive we can make our world, the more everyone benefits from the neuroblossoming.

Apologies if this list feels like it's missing something. Feel free to message me or comment below if you have suggestions for additions. I’m eager to make them more obvious to others.

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